Redirect to custom page from SharePoint OOTB Form button click using jQuery

Redirect to custom page from SharePoint OOTB Form button click using jQuery


Custom Alert Message on SharePoint Page using Content Editor Web Part and JQuery

Custom Alert Message on SharePoint Page using Content Editor Web Part and JQuery


How to redirect different page on Save button click on SharePoint Forms using client side script

in this article we will how we can change the default behaviour of buttons available in SharePoint OOTB forms (Non-custom). We achieve this in different ways; below you can find simple and straight way. Here we used JQuery and OOTB Script Editor Web part on the form page.


How to use SharePoint ‘Working on it’ modal dialog

In this article we will see how to use SharePoint’s own modal dialog wherever you want


Module Optimization by using RequireJS in ASP.NET MVC

In my previous article I have explained about some basic idea and implementation on RequireJS. In this article let me explain on Module Optimization using RequireJS and there are ways to use this approach with ASP.NET.


Build a simple client-side MVC app with RequireJS

RequireJS is an implementation of AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) an API for declaring modules and loading them asynchronously on the fly when they’re needed.


How to update a SharePoint list item using Express JS

In this article we can see how to update a SharePoint list item using Express JS by passing the request digest header. For adding item and configuration steps refer the previous…


How to use Caml Query in SharePoint Rest API using Express JS and Typescript

In the article we can look into how to write and configure Express JS using Typescript and passing the Caml Query in SharePoint Rest API


How to add a SharePoint List Item using Express JS by passing Request Digest

This article is about how to configure Express JS and pass the request digest for SharePoint to add a new list item


How to retrieve the SharePoint List Item using Express JS

Express JS is a node based web server for web and mobile applications. In this article we can have look into how to retrieve the SharePoint list items via Express Js