Implement B2C Authentication in NextJS using Azure AD – Part 2

How to use MSAL library to autheticate B2C users which integrate Microsoft identity authentication into their applications.


Implement B2C Authentication in NextJS using Azure AD – Part 1

How to use MSAL to authenticate user in Azure Active Directory B2C (Business-to-Consumer) with their applications using social identity providers (such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon) as well as local accounts.


Azure Static Web Apps (SWA) CLI for more productivity and easy debugging

Configure Azure Static Webapps CLI to easily debug both frontend and api dev server in one place for static webapps application.


How to add an API in Azure Static Web Apps and use in Nextjs application

Create an API for Azure Static Web Apps and utilize in the client side solution


How to add custom template in Microsoft Graph Toolkit in SPFx solution

Customize Microsoft Graph Toolkit components using your own React component in SPFx solution.


How to subscribe List/Library for notifications in SPFx webpart

Subscribe and notify to SharePoint list for any kind of changes in SPFx webpart


Skeleton code for global state management using useContext, useReducer in SPFx solution

React plays a vital role in SPFx development. It’s important to have better state management and make use of its features in an efficient way in our SPFx solutions


How To Make An API Call When End Of The Page Reached In React And Re-Render Components – Using API Pagination

In this article we will see how to call an event from React compoenent when we reach end of the page. This functionality is useful when we have to make API calls based on pageIndex and pageSize.


How To Use React-Router-Dom V4 In React-Redux-Router

In this article, let us see How to use react-router-dom v4 in react-redux-router


Access SharePoint From React App Using Sp-Rest-Proxy For Development

In this article, let us see how to Access SharePoint From React App Using Sp-Rest-Proxy For Development