Deploy Nextjs application to Azure Static Web App

Create and deploy nextjs application in azure static web app


How to access azure key vault secret value in Function app using Managed Identity

Easy and secured way to access key vault values in function app using managed identity.


How to refer custom dll or assemblies in Azure Function

Hello everyone In this article we will see how to refer dll or assemblies in your azure function.


How to refer nuget package in Azure Function v1.x

In this article we will see how to refer nuget package in Azure Function version 1.x. Please make sure that your Azure function is version 1 because nuget package is referenced in different way in version 2


How to change Azure Function App version using Azure CLI

In this article we will look into how to change version of Function App using Azure CLI


How to access Azure Function App settings from Azure CLI

In this article we will see how to access your Azure portal especially Azure functions app settings from your machine using Azure CLI command prompt. This is one of the easy ways to access and check for the settings in your azure functions and if we need to update or delete then we can do it from here.


Publish Azure Function using Visual Studio 2017 – Part 2

This is the continuation of my previous article – Create and Debug Azure Function using Visual Studio 2017 – Part 1 in this article we will concentrate more on publishing azure function which we created in previous article and how to handle it from azure portal.


Create and Debug Azure Function using Visual Studio 2017 – Part 1

In this article we will see how to create Azure function from VS 2017 its necessary to have basic knowledge on Azure Function before getting deep into this article. And I split this article into two parts since it involves many steps.


How to Create Azure Function APP in Azure Portal and Trigger an EXE

An intro about Azure Function APP with a Console EXE on a Timer Trigger with SharePoint Office 365 repeated task