Share with Pals Android Mobile App for SharePoint Articles and much more

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
September 11, 2015
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I am pleased to announce the availability of  Share with Pals Android App to view and share Share Point articles. Its now available at Google Play store for download. This is app provides a completely new and enhanced experience for viewing articles available at Share with Pals website

The blogs that are monitored in Share with Pals are handpicked based on the quality of the content, profile of the author and its relevance to the current SharePoint trends and scenarios. So you are always assured of high quality articles on SharePoint. Being a SharePoint enthusiast I used to monitor a bunch of SharePoint blogs and as I wished share those blogs (much more blogs are in my list but due to technical issues related to respective blog feeds I am not able to add it), thus came the birth of the website Due to the huge response provided by the community now this have turned to the stage of having a mobile app.

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The mobile app provides you with the option to share the articles through all social, mail, messaging apps available. The Favourites section enables you to have your own preferred set of articles that you may want to refer back. The “Popular Articles” section will let you know what the community is keen into. The “Editor’s Choice” brigs to the must read articles based on the content and its importance.

Enjoy the App and pour in your suggestions and feedback via contact me link in my blog. The app can be downloaded from the below link

Android app on Google Play

Author Info

Ashok Raja
Solutions Architect
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I am Ashok Raja, Share Point Consultant and Architect based out of Chennai, India. more

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