Machine Learning -Part V – Convert the Machine Learning Model as a Web Service

Exposing the Azure Machine Learning Studio Model as a Web Service and how to consume that.


Machine Learning -Part IV – Create a Machine Learning Model using Azure Machine Learning Studio

Step by Step procedure to create a Demo Model on Azure Machine Learning Studio.


Machine Learning -Part III – Azure Machine Learning

In the earlier article we saw the key concepts and terms used in the Machine Learning environment. In this article let us focus on how Microsoft is involved in Machine Learning especially the Data Collection & Management in depth.


Machine Learning -Part II – Key Concepts and Common Terms

In the earlier article we saw a detailed introduction about the Machine Learning and the Data Science. Now in this article as a continuation before getting started into the model creation let us understand what are the key concepts and the terms so that it will be easy for us to understand the upcoming articles. Straight away I am jumping into the terminologies and their definitions. This is going to be a crisp definition.


Machine Learning – An Introduction – Part I

An Introduction to Machine Learning